How to swap/bridge $DOGE on Transit Swap?
Transit Swap now supports Dogecoin, users can cross-chain swap and bridge $DOGE on Transit Swap.
How to buy or sell $DOGE on Transit Swap?
Transit Swap now supports cross-chain buy or sell $DOGE. First, connect your wallet and choose the payment network and token, take BNB Chain as an example here. You can enter the payment amount, then you can see the estimated receiving amount. Don't forget to enter the receiving address on Dogecoin.
How to bridge $DOGE on Transit Swap? (BSC>>Dogecoin)
Connect your wallet, enter the amount you want to bridge from BSC to Dogecoin, and then enter the receiving address. Click [Confirm Swap], you can see the pop-up window and view the transaction details, click [Confirm Payment].
You can see the "Success" reminder and the History below. All the process of this transaction is clear. It will take 5 mins or more to complete this transaction. You need to have enough Gas Fee to pay the miner fee.
> Ongoing
> Withdrawing
> Success
At this point, you have successfully completed the bridge and you can check the $DOGE on Dogecoin.
Not Financial Advice. DYOR!
Last updated